Yesterday I told Dr Sampson that I would remove any further comments from her on here that were content-free trolling or a repeat of hysterical lies.
While I despise censorship, today she has posted more drivel and empty attacks on "anti-vaxxers", so I've removed a couple of her comments. Like her ideologically deranged peers, she answers questions with questions, and offers information which is either already obviously known by her target recipient, or more outright lies.
I want to give her a fair chance to defend herself against any claims of unprofessional behaviour, but I will not tolerate trolling BS.
Update: she has now blocked me on Twitter because I refused to let her troll me.
So I will be removing anything else she posts on here, but I will leave her existing posts for the record and as a courtesy to anyone who has replied to her.
I agree with you that the point of the Jikky thread was to show that, if you were to take Sampson's data as true, the dark explanation is contempt leading to maltreatment.
I suspect the less dark truth is that the claim (that vaccinated fared better cos ECMO data) was egregiously misreprented by Sampson to make a point that was false. That's still a serious crime but not as bad as it could be
The problem that then followed was that these people running the ECMO show have demonstrated complete and utter contempt for a fifth of the British public. The very minimum charge against them is that they publicly displayed it
Did it lead to selective maltreatment and deaths? Who knows, but the behaviour and contempt is directly prohibited in the GMC good practice guidelines. Perhaps these people should be subject to the same disciplinary action and suspensions they have so vocally called for against the "anti-vaxx crazy doctors" they hate so much.
I have just updated the paper with additional information posted to the Twitter thread by Dr Sampson on 4th March, which I hadn't previously seen. Taking this data at face value shows a ration of 11 to 1 of unvaccinated to vaccinated ECMO patients in a selected 5 month period - not far off the 15 to 1 ration claimed by Jikkyleaks in the Twitter thread.
Which side of the argument the additional information supports will depend, as ever, on individual perspective; for me, it's inconclusive - just one more data point for consideration.
Although I must admit. I did chuckle (in a good way) when I read Dr Arkancide (sorry - damn spellcheck!) summarise Jikky's work. I presume you ran it past Jikky first :-)
"First published in 1886, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde remains his most enduring work. in this, he departed from his usual manner to write a modern allegory of good and evil in the human personality. Presenting a jarring and horrific exploration of various conflicting traits lurking within a single person, it went on to achieve international acclaim, inspiring countless stage productions and more than 100 motion pictures"
I'll stop now as I'm out of my depth ;-) but pls keep doing what you do, intrernational acclaim awaits...
When people have come to a conclusion without facts (false or true), it is almost impossible to get them to change their point of view with facts afterwards. Unfortunately I can't find the research that made this clear now.
A few only need to know the true story, the rest do herd behavior. Look at the blm riots, the rioters really hadn't thought about it: after all, it's for a good cause. Just like all those measures during the corona years.
The first months of 2020 I was also convinced that lockdowns were good and face masks worked. I hadn't researched anything about it myself, but it almost had to be. I had to read quite a bit before I was done. I'm quite critical myself, but I found out that I wasn't critical enough, in fact, I wasn't critical at all. I've only learned that in the past 2 years.
Unfortunately, we now live in a time when a lie is allowed for a good cause. Because of this, really bad people get away with it because they don't stand out from the crowd at all.
And if you even believe that the other person consciously threatens you because he or she does not want a vaccine, then of course everything is allowed.
Man is primarily an emotional being, the human nature lies in the fact that you deal with it wisely and that was / is hard to find in recent years.
If you want change, I think you have to start with the media. That determines the naritive. Just don't stop there. Because if you can change the msm for the better now, you can also change it for the worse in the future.
I think the only way out of this shitshow for now and in the future is for people to actually become real individualists. And no, that is not the same as the so-called egoistic society is now referred to. A true individualist is concerned with (as much as possible) independent thinking and is responsible for coming to a point of view. I think taking care of your environment will come naturally. This is because this is a logical consequence of it.
Not wanting to buy as big a boat as possible, that is not individualistic behaviour, that is herd behaviour. Wanting to belong to a (in this case) successful group.
Mr Sullivan, good sir. Apologies. I was a bit too incensed with the subject yesterday to render a comment to you.
This is great work. Excellent writing, analytics and well drawn questions. You and other good authors on various aspects of these difficult times appear to me to have the patience of saints.
The above picture illustrates how the plandemic has been handled in the US since March 2020.
Even Trump's health adviser has admitted in a book that she lied to the POTUS and has never believed in the abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections ("vaccines"!) - which were nothing but bio-weapons!
When confronted with a congressional inquiry, the same lady who was telling Americans that "vaccine" induced immunity was SUPERIOR to infection induced immunity rescinded her fraudulent claims but NEVER apologized to anybody.
What happened in the UK is not isolated. Kanadastan was even worse, CastruDoh became an outright dictator worse than Ceaușescu:
1, How many of the patients had remdesivir before ECMO?
Did any of her patients survive?
People are classified unvaccinated until 21 days post jab.
The younger unvaccinated people might have been living with newly vaccinated parents or partners?
My son was vaccinated for work and I was helping him because he had a badly broken ankle and foot I spent quite a bit of time with him in those first 3 weeks and I got very sick and have not been the same since! Shedding is very real I think! I am not vaccinated but I bet my blood work would show something! My D-dimer was elevated but I can't get the doctor to test for anything that would confirm Shedding I guess!
Mostly I just want to know myself?
I have been taking something banned which is helping greatly doctor can't prescibe it!
People have cognitive dissonance and you can't change their mind on covid which is the biggest hoax!
PCR does not diagnose covid just that you are human!
> This ECMO-specific file shows that, for the period July-Nov 2021, approximately 92% of ECMO patients were indeed unvaccinated - a ratio of 11 unvaccinated patients for every 1 vaccinated. So (assuming the data is accurate) the unvaccinated were either genuinely sicker, as claimed by Dr Sampson, or were subjected to more cavalier treatment, as alleged by Jikkyleaks.
The problem is that data on any endpoint related to covid coming from hospitals is complete garbage. We know that vaccinated people were subjected to way less covid testing. All data filtered through the “tested positive for COVID” is utterly useless. Virtually any data involving COVID testing should have been and should continue to be ignored.
"Do Dr Sivananthan and Dr Sampson know each other?" Media isn't just there to act as spreaders of misinformation, they are there as gatekeepers - they keep everyone inside the rails of traditional research to make sure no one digs too deep. And sure enough, no one in the traditional or alternative media call the globalist propagandists on who and where they get their information from. It's usually assumed it comes from their own tiny, misinformed minds. But it's far too coordinated, to the degree of lockstep.
Case in point is Dr. Birx of the US Presidential Covid response team. It turns out that most of the worst policies came straight from her - and she even admits her role in manipulating the data and lying about the policies. And while Birx may be "book smart", just listening to her talk you can see she is obviously not a brilliant mind or even creative in her thinking. She admitted she didn't even look at the data herself, so how could she have developed an alternative narrative by herself? She didn't. She's a DoD insider, a useful authoritarian follower who doesn't question what she's been tasked to do. She was probably very heavily coached at least several times a week - what to say, what to do, what to write. She probably didn't even touch those reports that were due on Monday, I'm sure she was watching a movie while someone in the DoD was the ghostwriter.
One additional thing. Although I'm no expert in Marxism, I don't think that Marx would in any way sanction the globalist strategy being carried out. Calling it communism, Nazism, Maoism or even Stalinism doesn't accurately describe what's going on here, either. Never before in the history of mankind has a bid for power been based on destroying the world to 'save' it. There's something extra going on, far beyond any former attempt tor redesign how the world works and it needs a novel description, not a recycled one that doesn't apply.
On the Marxism issue, there are many nuances. I say neo-Marxism, because it clearly isn't classical 19th century Marxism that Marx himself would recognise, but there is a large majority of 'professionals' in the UK today who are influenced by Long March indoctrination to a greater or lesser degree - social justice warriors obsessed with 'oppression' of any minority group they can possibly identify. These people are the "useful idiots".
Then there are the puppet-masters - the likes of Blair, Soros, Clinton, Obama, Gore, Charlie-boy and many others. I think it's this latter group you are thinking of? Clearly, the likes of Sampson are far lower down the food chain, along with Birx.
I recognise this is still a reductionist take, there is of course a myriad of varying detailed agendas, but I don't believe any of this would be possible without the Long March.
Thanks for the explanation, I did a little more research on the Long March. Put in that perspective, it makes more sense. If you look at all the major political movements under that umbrella, one common thread is that they are carried out by psychopaths who have honed their skills to a greater and greater degree. They aren't just trying to win wars, they are taking their pathologies out on the people with more and more abuse.
It certainly isn't the world's first spiritual war, but have we ever seen where total annihilation of everything living is the ultimate goal? They literally want to destroy most of us, and change the genetics of every living thing left on earth so that they can call it theirs and not God's. That to me is some kind of next-level thing, beyond war, and far beyond politics.
Dr Sivananthan is a psychiatrist. As far as I am aware she has no background in any field related to this subject. She is so far out of her lane it is not funny. If anybody in the UK is affected by her comments they should consider filing a report with the GMC on the basis that she had no standing to make those comments and was almost certainly acting under external influence. The GMC would under those circumstances be required to investigate.
Thanks for the additional info, I did not know that Dr Sivananthan was a psychiatrist, that makes it even worse, if there is such a possibility.
Before I was kicked off Twitter, if Twitter tossed me a tweet from a doctor who was strongly, unquestioningly pushing the agenda, I would be polite but ask how much money they were making and would it be worth losing their medical license over when the truth came out. A few blocked me, of course, but a few of them took down their accounts. I honestly think I was the first person to challenge them on what they were doing - which is a scary indication of their judgment.
Btw, I've posted several of your articles, especially the BLAST one, I'm a big fan. Thank you for all your hard work.
I think it's incredible that you single out one person, when many medical professionals are speaking out. Are they all lying? Hoe are they benefitting? I think it's fantastic that he, and others like him are undermining the public's trust in big pharmaceutical medicine, when there is, and has, been many other less profitable options. You can't stop this avalanch of information. The tide is turning and the vaccine-injured WILL be heard.
Funny that caz was dead sure of 98%+ of patients in icu was unvaxxed and still the public and the rest of us are not allowed to know about patients status when vaxxed, ha ha. So, how do we know. I suppose when you don't like brocolli you don't like brocolli.
It's OK for the facts, but it still puzzles me your insistence about neo-marxism ideology taking over the entire ruling class. Perhaps I'm too blind but I don't see a inch of marxism anywhere in Britain, not even in the Labour Party. One can deduce that in your words globalism might be equivalent to marxism which is of course absurd and untrue. I can imagine that you will call Bill Gates a neo-marxist because he is the new Health-Czar of the world. It would be the same as calling atheist to the Pope. The only one ideology that is sweeping the world around is neoliberalism which is beeing abandoned all over right now in favour of mounting deep state intervention. If that's your idea of marxism, I suggest you revise all the basis of your thought. It has nothing at all to do with.
I agree with everything apart from your take on Neo Marxism.
I think it’s more than reasonable to say that those country’s you refer to as trying out Neo Marxism are in fact country’s that took over power under the umbrella of socialism and then NEVER handed over power to there people - thus giving rise to State Based Capitalism.
I did a quick search search for Neo marxism within wiki & it quotes Professor Richard Wolff as a keynote speaker at one of its events.
I’d encourage yourself & anyone interested in this type of pandemic correlation (and type of marxism) to look up Professor Wolff — Im confident you won’t find anything close to post industrial capitalism’s relationship with Big Pharma or Big insurance. You won’t find an ideology that even comesclose to being implemented like the stranglehold Roth Childs capitalism has had for the last 150 years.
What you will find regarding professor Wolff’s lectures is someone with one of the greatest knowledge bases of Marx’s critique of Le Capital in modern history. Wolff is a strong advocate for governmental power being handed to the people and to communities, with greater emphasis on working class structures such as worker co-op’s and closing wage gaps.
This plandemic has nothing to do with snotty nose left wing kids and EVERYTHING to do with feudalism’s successor - capitalism.
Call it crony, call it neo liberal, you can even call it fascist but it’s all capitalism & it all revolves around faith in humanity.
Wrong. Patently false. The socioeconomic paradigm under which we've lived our entire lives is corporatism, not capitalism. And corporatism is practically synonymous with fascism. That it could be described as capitalism is simply one of the great lies with which we were all washed.
For it to be capitalism there would need to be clear separation between corporate and state. And corporations would need to lack personhood, which affords legal protection to their owners and operators for grave ills. None of this would be happening if but 5 legislative instruments sitting on the statue books of most nation states on earth were demanded to be rescinded. Allowing the socioeconomic paradigm to resemble what is currently a lie, that it is "capitalism".
In this specific case it's unlikely Cas would feel the results of prosecution. The NHS Foundation Trust would swallow it whole in monetary terms and throw the word "sorry" in to the ether. There are however other ways she could feel it.
Yup, it's globofascism... G7 anyway. Mussolini's 1933 speech in Rome on the corporate/state amalgam disavowed Marx. There are similarities in totalitarianism, I don't think the old boy in Highgate should be tarred with this modern Neo-malthusian style fascism.
The 1 in 5 figure was taken from the delta period when sadly there were more pregnant and post partum women in ICU (& on ECMO) for severe Covid-19 as pregnancy is a risk factor for severe disease. This can be clearly seen from the ICNARC data. Admission for Covid-19 in England by vaccination status data was collected May21-Feb22 and is on p44-48 of the 8/4/22 report (demographic data on p48 - note how almost all of the pregnant/post partum women were unvaccinated at all the time of ICU admission & that this group comprises >1/3 of women aged 18-49y)
From this (NHSE supplementary information) if the excel link doesn’t work (report titled 13 December 2021 –Adults admitted for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID infection – including pregnant/post-partum women and vaccination status)
The reason the majority of those in whom ECMO was started as a last ditch attempt to save life in severe lung failure from Covid-19 when all other conventional treatment had been exhausted is because vaccination protects against progression to such severe disease. ECMO is an advanced life support mode and can be life saving but it is only appropriate in certain people (those with critical lung failure refractory to conventional management who would be able to recover from severe a high acuity of illness and prolonged ICU/hospital stay - ie those with a good baseline health disease before getting critically ill - these are usually younger people - including pregnant women.)
Please review all these reports and then decide who is telling the truth with the data (that vaccination clearly protected against severe disease during delta - including in pregnancy especially the most critical Covid-19 disease requiring ecmo as the last ditch attempt to save life) and who is misrepresenting this data seemingly to try to suit a certain narrative and/or smear the person sharing it (& encouraging others to do the same)
Keen to read your response when you have reviewed these reports (all of which are available in the public domain), thank you
I had in fact updated the paper to include that additional detail, just prior to your comment.
Your arguments would carry more weight IMO if you didn't make such sweeping, non-specific, and unsupported claims as "because vaccination protects against progression to such severe disease". We are in any case talking about very small numbers of patients here - especially younger, fitter individuals. Every severe illness / death is of course a tragedy for those affected, but people like you - well-meaning or otherwise - have trashed the socio-economic fabric of the country through your words and actions. You will be well aware that there is genuine concern about vaccine safety - and plenty of evidence to point at vaccine harms, as I myself have written about separately.
You say you don't know Dr Sivananthan and I will take you at your word, but you can hardly deny that there is a culture of "we know best" arrogance among many like-minded NHS personnel - which leads directly to deception of the kind illustrated by that BBC story. Will you, for example, now publicly condemn - on your Twitter account - the disinformation *still* propagated in that article?
Your Twitter feed shows your absolute disdain for a large majority of ordinary people in this country. I do not expect you to recognise that, far less concede it publicly, but somewhere deep down you know it's true.
Isn't weird how suddenly only 2 patients needed ECMO in 2022 when there was more COVID and many more COVID deaths after the start of the vaccine rollout which commenced for the elderly on 8th Dec 2020 up to the end of 2021.
So it is clear that ECMO was abandoned after the vaccine rollout, despite ongoing deaths.
Why? Was ECMO used as another propaganda tool to get people vaccinated, and then when most people were vaccinated who were going to be, just abandoned? The COVID deaths didn't go away.
Or maybe there was a new category for severe COVID in 2022 - "severe enough to die but not severe enough for ECMO"
A full investigation of intensive care units in the UK needs to happen after Dr Sampson's revelations.
The numbers needing ICU for severe Covid19 have fortunately dropped dramatically since Dec21. Approx 10,000 adults admired during wave 1, 25,000 in wave 2, 15,000 in wave 3 and just 3000 with Covid as the primary reason for ICU admission to England, Wales &. NI during 2022 (wave 4 onwards). All detailed in the ICNARC reports which I’ve shared multiple times with you on twitter and here but here is the link again if you need it
ICNARC, the registered charity? Subject to the whims of the pharma donor class? I looked at their private/public board and financials some time ago. I was not impressed with what I saw.
It's not clearly shown in that data at all. Did you verify that confounding information was adjusted for? Is the data properly presented pro rata, not in absolute terms? Were all patients correctly classified? Even those whose vax status could be determined were routinely miscategorised due to the entirely fallacious notion that no-one is "vaccinated" until 2 weeks post dose 2. Jeez, have you read any of the hundreds of articles completely trashing the ICNARC methodologies that are the same as all the other "public health" bodies? What about the ones whose status could not be determined? Just dumped in unvaxxed too?
Over the last 24 hours, following her ridiculously disingenuous response to this article, I've been looking at her Twitter history in a bit more detail. Like her ideological far-left co-conspirators, it's one continuous pack of lies.
One good example is her record on NHS Covid admissions statistics.
Are they published articles? Please can you share?
The ICNARC data cites only 1.7% of those classified as unvaccinated having a positive test within 2 weeks of their first vaccine dose. The preprint of this data (usual caveats re preprint of course) cites a strength of the study being the v low % of the data unlinked. Obviously we will have to wait until it is fully published before we can review & critique
I think it is a bit rich to say I trashed the socio-economic fabric of the country. I had nothing to do with any government policies. I have only ever shared data - such as here to try and ensure people have access to accurate information so they can make the best informed decisions about their own health.
Yes (fortunately) we are talking about small numbers when discussing those needing ecmo for severe Covid19. The sad fact is those numbers would have been even smaller if those patients had been vaccinated (95% of those needing ecmo in that delta period were unvaccinated.) It was truly heartbreaking to see these young previously fit and well people (especially those pregnant and brand new mums) harmed by what would have most likely in them been a vaccine preventable disease. The data clearly shows this.
The only people I have disdain for on twitter are those that share misinformation on important health matters. The reason I bother to respond despite a ton of abuse I receive for it is that I care and don’t want anyone else to suffer unnecessarily.
It's entirely appropriate. You chose to join the "mutton crew" aka "disinformation units". This was not forced on you. As a member of such units you have acted completely outside of the interests of the British public and in your own interest, in which you have been rewarded by a high profile position in the ECMO sphere in the UK. This is absolutely contrary to good medical practice.
You have no understanding of the mechanism of mRNA therapy and have no concept of the impossibility that parenteral vaccination or gene therapy could not possibly benefit a patient in terms of pneumonia risk, which is your only concern and interest here. Because you have no knowledge of the mechanism of vaccination you are outside your scope of practice recommending vaccination to a point where you are prepared to dehumanise people on twitter with "antivax" slurs ( Practising outside your sphere of expertise is contrary to GMC GMP as you well know.
If you did bother to do any reading about vaccination or mRNA therapy you would know that a parenteral vaccine could not possibly produce intrabronchial antibody protection. You would also have read the papers showing immune suppression and IgG4 class switching demonstrating that mRNA vaccination worsens disease as opposed to preventing it. You would also have known that the UKHSA vaccine surveillance data showed a 3x increase in case rates per 100,000 and the NSW ICU admissions data showed that there were no unvaccinated patients admitted to ICU for months in the omicron wave.
You didn't do this reading because you had a job to do. Your job was to crush the people you hate - the very people you disparaged online.
The fact that you have come on here without a single shred of humility tells us all we need to know about you.
Can you explain the English ICU covid19 demographic data by vaccination status May21-Feb22 from ICNARC please (if you don’t think that vaccination protected against severe disease in Covid-19 during that time period)? In particular the pregnancy data (which has been highlighted in this article).
The pregnancy data alone clearly shows that the made up “ECMOgate” claims by jikkyleaks can’t be true (by merit of the v low numbers of pregnant women even in ICU during this period who were unvaccinated). I would be grateful if you could share these facts with him as he has blocked me (and I him when his posts became increasingly threatening. Normally I wouldn’t block as it’s important for his followers to read the actual data but I found some of his responses and that of his followers quite frightening so blocked him for my own safety)
I have spent a lot of time presenting a factual case in this paper, but you and your activist cabal ignore anything and everything which does not suit your ideological narrative. You're very happy to gloss over the fact of proven outright lies from Dr Sivananthan and others - why not start a "disinformation campaign" to discredit her? Because she's on your side is why.
You clearly have not "only ever shared data". Like so many of your fellow cultists, you cherry pick and distort the data with the express intention to deceive (don't insult my intelligence by denying it) then you wash your hands of the consequences - "nothing to do with any government policies"? Pull the other one. As an individual, of course you don't - but as a member of a highly politicised club acting in unison, this is *all* on you and your disingenuous far-left fellows.
As I said in the article, you are a disgrace to your profession. I don't think you have any self-awareness at all, and I will not respond to you again on here until you say something sensible. I'll not hold my breath.
It's quite clear from the thread that you blocked jikkyleaks first after your hatred from the "antivaxxers" was exposed. Most people block back after a block from the mutton crew because we have all been exposed to your "report behind a block" tactics.
When you lie about small things, it brings attention to lies about the bigger things.
To be fair, looking at the BBC article it is unclear when the comment made by Dr Sivananthan was made. If this comment was made in the latter half of 2021 it was true (as demonstrated by the ecmo data from NHSE that you have added to this substack). They should have clarified that “the most seriously ill patients in intensive care units” specifically meant those on ecmo for covid19. She should have just said that between May21 and Feb22 in England 93.5-98.3% of the pregnant and post partum women admitted to ICU because of severe covid19 were unvaccinated (again you’ve already shared this ICNARC data in your substack article).
No, the facts are that we are talking about a handful of people. As you very well know. And that Dr Sivananthan lied.
Based on the true data, this was a non story.
You are irritating me now with your deceitful agenda. If you continue to ignore the real point and insist on trolling here, I will have to block you and remove your replies. I am only prepared to suffer fools so far.
The latest safety report from Pfizer states that as at beginning Dec 2021 there was no data to support the vaccination of pregnant women. The report is lengthy but the statement is on page 6. "According to the European Risk Management plan V4" "Safety concerns for BTN162b2 are" bullet point three "missing information: use in pregnancy and while breast feeding". No one should have been recommending that women take an experimental biological agent at this time.
Indeed. Another lie. There were no threats or even hints of threats in that thread. What there was was a demand that the whole of the ECMO speciality explain themselves after Dr Sampson's claims that spectacularly backfired because instead of being truthful she was pushing a narrative. The more she protests the more I get the feeling that thread was too close to the truth. Hence why the article here is so aptly titled.
I am happy to clarify any details about respiratory ecmo. This is a specialised field of critical care hence many will not be aware of what it is, and who can benefit.
Misinformation matters. At the very minimum you abused skewed data to falsely represent a position. At worst you let your hatred of a group of people bias your treatment of them. You have zero humility. Oh and please quit the satanic symbolism. It's childish.
If you disagree with our assessment then release your ECMO data and the ICNARC data in full including the age, comorbidities, date of vaccination, date of positive covid test, date of death or date of discharge and ECMO criteria. The release should be signed off by someone else in another department as showing a true record of the data that they have sighted and authenticated by NHS number to be true.
People do not trust you and you have massively undermined the public's trust in medicine and especially intensive care.
I think it's incredible that you single out one person, when many medical professionals are speaking out. Are they all lying? How are they benefitting? I think it's fantastic that he, and others like him are undermining the public's trust in big pharmaceutical medicine, when there is, and has, been many other less profitable options. You can't stop this avalanch of information. The tide is turning and the vaccine-injured WILL be heard.
I think Dr Sampsons's ECMO patients will eventually be audited. I think you will find that none of them received early antibiotic therapy (as per established SARS protocols) or steroids for any significant time once any bacterial pneumonia was excluded. If this has happened the doctors involved in those patients' care may well find themselves under manslaughter investigation. As a doctor in the UK you are not protected at all against manslaughter charges. It's a known issue. The threshold of proof is somewhat higher in medicine than in the corporate world but if the above criteria are met I would imagine that the threshold would be met. I can't see any court or coronial enquiry accepting the death of patients treated with ECMO without an honest attempt to treat an organising pneumonia with macrolide antibiotics and steroids or immune modulators.
I'm just wondering how many vax peddlers actually recommended people try the most basic healthy activities (vitamins/nutrients/healthy diet, good sleep, exercise, etc) that have been known for decades to improve the immune system's ability to fight disease. Just by paying close attention, I've found that it's exceptionally rare for them to recommend any of these things but they're constantly peddling the vax.
I might compare it to someone going to the doctor for a headache and being given an opiate prescription immediately, instead of first being asked if they're properly hydrated, eating well, getting enough sleep, etc. Maybe it's just me but I'd think trying to improve your patients health IN GENERAL is more important than trying to get a needle in their arm.
As it happens all of our Covid-19 ecmo patients received antibiotics & steroids. The vast majority before they deteriorated to the point that ecmo was the last resort to try and save life
It will show in the audits. Intensivists were the most vocal group against early treatment in the community, which had been standard care for SARS and for other post-viral pneumonias. Then what they did was claim that the patients arriving on their doorstep were too sick for any treatment other than ventilation. The ventilators worsened bacterial pneumonia and added aspergillosis as a bonus. Some of the patients eventually got antibiotics (too late) and antifungals don't always work. If intensivists had bought into safe early treatments with the same enthusiasm they bought into the failed vaccines, a lot of death could have been avoided, but there would likely not have been the bonus money to the ECMO units.
I’m an ICU consultant. Whilst all of these are sensible public health advice, it is probably too late to have much impact by the time someone has been admitted to critical care.
I would hope that people knew that these are important without having to be specifically told by a healthcare professional?
I hope your clinical skills are higher than your standards of humanity & integrity. The public are becoming heartily sick of doctors like you, arrogant & heartless.
Since when did it become acceptable for doctors to start insulting, belittling & judging people who merely wish to choose their own medical treatment. A doctor can give advice, it's the patient's choice whether to take that advice.
Can you please define for us the term "antivaxxer"& explain why you dislike these people??
Until you can apologize for insulting people who have chosen their own medical treatment path you do not deserve the respect normally afforded to members of the medical profession. In fact you don't even deserve to be registered as a doctor. I do hope someone in your country has reported you to your medical board.
"it is probably too late to have much impact by the time someone has been admitted to critical care"
Same with getting "vaccinated" right? You don't inject people after they go to the hospital with C19. They're supposed to do it first as preventable
"I would hope that people knew that these are important without having to be specifically told by a healthcare professional?"
You would be surprised actually. Further, you could say the same about the so-called "vaccines" - every adult knows what a vaccine is (generally) and what they're supposed to do. Especially after the media pushed pro-vax propaganda 24/7 for months.
But yeah, even after about a year of research showing disproportionately high rates of Vit.D deficiency in serious C19 cases, people still ended up not getting it. It should be the first thing to remind people. And of course the best method is sun exposure, but taking supplements is probably better than being deficient -- which is very common.
One could even try to make the argument that being light skinned yourself, focusing on the vax instead of Vit.D might be a form of racism, since low Vit.D is far more common in dark-skinned ethnic minorities.
I advised vaccination against Covid-19 as the vast majority of those I was caring for in ICU during delta were unvaccinated. Just as I advise influenza vaccination in at risk groups as every year apart from 2020/21 I see people critically ill from ‘flu (who are not vaccinated)
Because you don't understand that a parenteral vaccine cannot prevent a pneumonia (which causes most influenza related deaths) you keep pushing these failed lines. That in itself is not so bad, but publicly disparaging people who disagree with you is where you crossed the line.
Do you know the vitamin D status of these people? Do you know the quality of their diet and sleep? Every time I get sick it's usually after 2-3 days of poor sleep in a row. These issues tend to cause a long list of potential problems, lowered immune function is just one of them.
Check out this study from pre-C19:
"Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and
There is no far right in any of the common misconceptions of the term. Far left is rampant with elitist doctors and politicians clamouring to be the politburo of a collectivist state. Far right would really be the guy on his homestead asking to be left alone with his family and God.
7th March 17:45 (UK)
Yesterday I told Dr Sampson that I would remove any further comments from her on here that were content-free trolling or a repeat of hysterical lies.
While I despise censorship, today she has posted more drivel and empty attacks on "anti-vaxxers", so I've removed a couple of her comments. Like her ideologically deranged peers, she answers questions with questions, and offers information which is either already obviously known by her target recipient, or more outright lies.
I want to give her a fair chance to defend herself against any claims of unprofessional behaviour, but I will not tolerate trolling BS.
Update: she has now blocked me on Twitter because I refused to let her troll me.
So I will be removing anything else she posts on here, but I will leave her existing posts for the record and as a courtesy to anyone who has replied to her.
Oh, I asked her to define the term "antivaxxer". I thought I saw she had replied, but I couldn't find the comment.
You must bribe her, maybe she'll get back then..
She likes money...
This is great work. Well done.
I agree with you that the point of the Jikky thread was to show that, if you were to take Sampson's data as true, the dark explanation is contempt leading to maltreatment.
I suspect the less dark truth is that the claim (that vaccinated fared better cos ECMO data) was egregiously misreprented by Sampson to make a point that was false. That's still a serious crime but not as bad as it could be
The problem that then followed was that these people running the ECMO show have demonstrated complete and utter contempt for a fifth of the British public. The very minimum charge against them is that they publicly displayed it
Did it lead to selective maltreatment and deaths? Who knows, but the behaviour and contempt is directly prohibited in the GMC good practice guidelines. Perhaps these people should be subject to the same disciplinary action and suspensions they have so vocally called for against the "anti-vaxx crazy doctors" they hate so much.
Thank you.
You have articulately summarised exactly the message I was trying to convey.
I have just updated the paper with additional information posted to the Twitter thread by Dr Sampson on 4th March, which I hadn't previously seen. Taking this data at face value shows a ration of 11 to 1 of unvaccinated to vaccinated ECMO patients in a selected 5 month period - not far off the 15 to 1 ration claimed by Jikkyleaks in the Twitter thread.
Which side of the argument the additional information supports will depend, as ever, on individual perspective; for me, it's inconclusive - just one more data point for consideration.
I like this summary. Thank you.
Although I must admit. I did chuckle (in a good way) when I read Dr Arkancide (sorry - damn spellcheck!) summarise Jikky's work. I presume you ran it past Jikky first :-)
Shall we say we have an understanding 😃
I swear you are a genius sir.
"First published in 1886, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde remains his most enduring work. in this, he departed from his usual manner to write a modern allegory of good and evil in the human personality. Presenting a jarring and horrific exploration of various conflicting traits lurking within a single person, it went on to achieve international acclaim, inspiring countless stage productions and more than 100 motion pictures"
I'll stop now as I'm out of my depth ;-) but pls keep doing what you do, intrernational acclaim awaits...
Thanks John for writing.
When people have come to a conclusion without facts (false or true), it is almost impossible to get them to change their point of view with facts afterwards. Unfortunately I can't find the research that made this clear now.
A few only need to know the true story, the rest do herd behavior. Look at the blm riots, the rioters really hadn't thought about it: after all, it's for a good cause. Just like all those measures during the corona years.
The first months of 2020 I was also convinced that lockdowns were good and face masks worked. I hadn't researched anything about it myself, but it almost had to be. I had to read quite a bit before I was done. I'm quite critical myself, but I found out that I wasn't critical enough, in fact, I wasn't critical at all. I've only learned that in the past 2 years.
Unfortunately, we now live in a time when a lie is allowed for a good cause. Because of this, really bad people get away with it because they don't stand out from the crowd at all.
And if you even believe that the other person consciously threatens you because he or she does not want a vaccine, then of course everything is allowed.
Man is primarily an emotional being, the human nature lies in the fact that you deal with it wisely and that was / is hard to find in recent years.
If you want change, I think you have to start with the media. That determines the naritive. Just don't stop there. Because if you can change the msm for the better now, you can also change it for the worse in the future.
I think the only way out of this shitshow for now and in the future is for people to actually become real individualists. And no, that is not the same as the so-called egoistic society is now referred to. A true individualist is concerned with (as much as possible) independent thinking and is responsible for coming to a point of view. I think taking care of your environment will come naturally. This is because this is a logical consequence of it.
Not wanting to buy as big a boat as possible, that is not individualistic behaviour, that is herd behaviour. Wanting to belong to a (in this case) successful group.
Grand. Excellent comment.
Love your references to fundamentals of the human condition and intrinsic value of human beings as individuals.
Mr Sullivan, good sir. Apologies. I was a bit too incensed with the subject yesterday to render a comment to you.
This is great work. Excellent writing, analytics and well drawn questions. You and other good authors on various aspects of these difficult times appear to me to have the patience of saints.
Good evening and God bless good sir.
Thank you.
Great post. Keep it up.
"that the sane among us do fall into the trap"
You did mean 'do not' I'm guessing.
Thanks, corrected.
Follow the Money: US Doctors – 2022,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
The above picture illustrates how the plandemic has been handled in the US since March 2020.
Even Trump's health adviser has admitted in a book that she lied to the POTUS and has never believed in the abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections ("vaccines"!) - which were nothing but bio-weapons!
When confronted with a congressional inquiry, the same lady who was telling Americans that "vaccine" induced immunity was SUPERIOR to infection induced immunity rescinded her fraudulent claims but NEVER apologized to anybody.
What happened in the UK is not isolated. Kanadastan was even worse, CastruDoh became an outright dictator worse than Ceaușescu:
Safe & Effective – Follow the Science™
I have a few questions
1, How many of the patients had remdesivir before ECMO?
Did any of her patients survive?
People are classified unvaccinated until 21 days post jab.
The younger unvaccinated people might have been living with newly vaccinated parents or partners?
My son was vaccinated for work and I was helping him because he had a badly broken ankle and foot I spent quite a bit of time with him in those first 3 weeks and I got very sick and have not been the same since! Shedding is very real I think! I am not vaccinated but I bet my blood work would show something! My D-dimer was elevated but I can't get the doctor to test for anything that would confirm Shedding I guess!
Mostly I just want to know myself?
I have been taking something banned which is helping greatly doctor can't prescibe it!
People have cognitive dissonance and you can't change their mind on covid which is the biggest hoax!
PCR does not diagnose covid just that you are human!
They could have had influenza A or B
It's for DNA collection!
> This ECMO-specific file shows that, for the period July-Nov 2021, approximately 92% of ECMO patients were indeed unvaccinated - a ratio of 11 unvaccinated patients for every 1 vaccinated. So (assuming the data is accurate) the unvaccinated were either genuinely sicker, as claimed by Dr Sampson, or were subjected to more cavalier treatment, as alleged by Jikkyleaks.
The problem is that data on any endpoint related to covid coming from hospitals is complete garbage. We know that vaccinated people were subjected to way less covid testing. All data filtered through the “tested positive for COVID” is utterly useless. Virtually any data involving COVID testing should have been and should continue to be ignored.
Excellent points and research.
"Do Dr Sivananthan and Dr Sampson know each other?" Media isn't just there to act as spreaders of misinformation, they are there as gatekeepers - they keep everyone inside the rails of traditional research to make sure no one digs too deep. And sure enough, no one in the traditional or alternative media call the globalist propagandists on who and where they get their information from. It's usually assumed it comes from their own tiny, misinformed minds. But it's far too coordinated, to the degree of lockstep.
Case in point is Dr. Birx of the US Presidential Covid response team. It turns out that most of the worst policies came straight from her - and she even admits her role in manipulating the data and lying about the policies. And while Birx may be "book smart", just listening to her talk you can see she is obviously not a brilliant mind or even creative in her thinking. She admitted she didn't even look at the data herself, so how could she have developed an alternative narrative by herself? She didn't. She's a DoD insider, a useful authoritarian follower who doesn't question what she's been tasked to do. She was probably very heavily coached at least several times a week - what to say, what to do, what to write. She probably didn't even touch those reports that were due on Monday, I'm sure she was watching a movie while someone in the DoD was the ghostwriter.
One additional thing. Although I'm no expert in Marxism, I don't think that Marx would in any way sanction the globalist strategy being carried out. Calling it communism, Nazism, Maoism or even Stalinism doesn't accurately describe what's going on here, either. Never before in the history of mankind has a bid for power been based on destroying the world to 'save' it. There's something extra going on, far beyond any former attempt tor redesign how the world works and it needs a novel description, not a recycled one that doesn't apply.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment.
On the Marxism issue, there are many nuances. I say neo-Marxism, because it clearly isn't classical 19th century Marxism that Marx himself would recognise, but there is a large majority of 'professionals' in the UK today who are influenced by Long March indoctrination to a greater or lesser degree - social justice warriors obsessed with 'oppression' of any minority group they can possibly identify. These people are the "useful idiots".
Then there are the puppet-masters - the likes of Blair, Soros, Clinton, Obama, Gore, Charlie-boy and many others. I think it's this latter group you are thinking of? Clearly, the likes of Sampson are far lower down the food chain, along with Birx.
I recognise this is still a reductionist take, there is of course a myriad of varying detailed agendas, but I don't believe any of this would be possible without the Long March.
Thanks for the explanation, I did a little more research on the Long March. Put in that perspective, it makes more sense. If you look at all the major political movements under that umbrella, one common thread is that they are carried out by psychopaths who have honed their skills to a greater and greater degree. They aren't just trying to win wars, they are taking their pathologies out on the people with more and more abuse.
It certainly isn't the world's first spiritual war, but have we ever seen where total annihilation of everything living is the ultimate goal? They literally want to destroy most of us, and change the genetics of every living thing left on earth so that they can call it theirs and not God's. That to me is some kind of next-level thing, beyond war, and far beyond politics.
Dr Sivananthan is a psychiatrist. As far as I am aware she has no background in any field related to this subject. She is so far out of her lane it is not funny. If anybody in the UK is affected by her comments they should consider filing a report with the GMC on the basis that she had no standing to make those comments and was almost certainly acting under external influence. The GMC would under those circumstances be required to investigate.
Thanks for the additional info, I did not know that Dr Sivananthan was a psychiatrist, that makes it even worse, if there is such a possibility.
Before I was kicked off Twitter, if Twitter tossed me a tweet from a doctor who was strongly, unquestioningly pushing the agenda, I would be polite but ask how much money they were making and would it be worth losing their medical license over when the truth came out. A few blocked me, of course, but a few of them took down their accounts. I honestly think I was the first person to challenge them on what they were doing - which is a scary indication of their judgment.
Btw, I've posted several of your articles, especially the BLAST one, I'm a big fan. Thank you for all your hard work.
I think it's incredible that you single out one person, when many medical professionals are speaking out. Are they all lying? Hoe are they benefitting? I think it's fantastic that he, and others like him are undermining the public's trust in big pharmaceutical medicine, when there is, and has, been many other less profitable options. You can't stop this avalanch of information. The tide is turning and the vaccine-injured WILL be heard.
Morals over Money.
Funny that caz was dead sure of 98%+ of patients in icu was unvaxxed and still the public and the rest of us are not allowed to know about patients status when vaxxed, ha ha. So, how do we know. I suppose when you don't like brocolli you don't like brocolli.
It's OK for the facts, but it still puzzles me your insistence about neo-marxism ideology taking over the entire ruling class. Perhaps I'm too blind but I don't see a inch of marxism anywhere in Britain, not even in the Labour Party. One can deduce that in your words globalism might be equivalent to marxism which is of course absurd and untrue. I can imagine that you will call Bill Gates a neo-marxist because he is the new Health-Czar of the world. It would be the same as calling atheist to the Pope. The only one ideology that is sweeping the world around is neoliberalism which is beeing abandoned all over right now in favour of mounting deep state intervention. If that's your idea of marxism, I suggest you revise all the basis of your thought. It has nothing at all to do with.
"Perhaps I'm too blind"
Take a look at the BBC. Tell me Marianna Spring isn't a neo-Marxist. Tell me Justin Rowlatt isn't a neo-Marxist.
XR, JSO - far-right agitators?
Race-baiting grifters everywhere - not fighting a new, imaginary, class war?
Yes, you're blind. Wilfully so, it seems.
I agree with everything apart from your take on Neo Marxism.
I think it’s more than reasonable to say that those country’s you refer to as trying out Neo Marxism are in fact country’s that took over power under the umbrella of socialism and then NEVER handed over power to there people - thus giving rise to State Based Capitalism.
I did a quick search search for Neo marxism within wiki & it quotes Professor Richard Wolff as a keynote speaker at one of its events.
I’d encourage yourself & anyone interested in this type of pandemic correlation (and type of marxism) to look up Professor Wolff — Im confident you won’t find anything close to post industrial capitalism’s relationship with Big Pharma or Big insurance. You won’t find an ideology that even comesclose to being implemented like the stranglehold Roth Childs capitalism has had for the last 150 years.
What you will find regarding professor Wolff’s lectures is someone with one of the greatest knowledge bases of Marx’s critique of Le Capital in modern history. Wolff is a strong advocate for governmental power being handed to the people and to communities, with greater emphasis on working class structures such as worker co-op’s and closing wage gaps.
This plandemic has nothing to do with snotty nose left wing kids and EVERYTHING to do with feudalism’s successor - capitalism.
Call it crony, call it neo liberal, you can even call it fascist but it’s all capitalism & it all revolves around faith in humanity.
This is just my 2 cents, thanks for article.
Please see my earlier reply to Milehijules.
And this:
Wrong. Patently false. The socioeconomic paradigm under which we've lived our entire lives is corporatism, not capitalism. And corporatism is practically synonymous with fascism. That it could be described as capitalism is simply one of the great lies with which we were all washed.
For it to be capitalism there would need to be clear separation between corporate and state. And corporations would need to lack personhood, which affords legal protection to their owners and operators for grave ills. None of this would be happening if but 5 legislative instruments sitting on the statue books of most nation states on earth were demanded to be rescinded. Allowing the socioeconomic paradigm to resemble what is currently a lie, that it is "capitalism".
In this specific case it's unlikely Cas would feel the results of prosecution. The NHS Foundation Trust would swallow it whole in monetary terms and throw the word "sorry" in to the ether. There are however other ways she could feel it.
Yup, it's globofascism... G7 anyway. Mussolini's 1933 speech in Rome on the corporate/state amalgam disavowed Marx. There are similarities in totalitarianism, I don't think the old boy in Highgate should be tarred with this modern Neo-malthusian style fascism.
There have thankfully only been 2 adult patients needing ECMO in England for severe Covid-19 during 2022. Please see p56 of the most recent UKHSA weekly national flu & covid19 surveillance reports
The 1 in 5 figure was taken from the delta period when sadly there were more pregnant and post partum women in ICU (& on ECMO) for severe Covid-19 as pregnancy is a risk factor for severe disease. This can be clearly seen from the ICNARC data. Admission for Covid-19 in England by vaccination status data was collected May21-Feb22 and is on p44-48 of the 8/4/22 report (demographic data on p48 - note how almost all of the pregnant/post partum women were unvaccinated at all the time of ICU admission & that this group comprises >1/3 of women aged 18-49y)
I agree that the BBC article should have clarified this data was taken from the delta period in the latter half of 2021 rather than omicron variants period in 2022. I do not personally know the doctor quoted in that article
For the England ECMO data covering 1/7/21-22/11/21 including vaccination & pregnancy/post partum status please see this report (96% of the pregnant/post partum patients needing ecmo were unvaccinated, which is not surprising considering how few vaccinated pregnant/post partum women were in ICU at all during that time)
From this (NHSE supplementary information) if the excel link doesn’t work (report titled 13 December 2021 –Adults admitted for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID infection – including pregnant/post-partum women and vaccination status)
The reason the majority of those in whom ECMO was started as a last ditch attempt to save life in severe lung failure from Covid-19 when all other conventional treatment had been exhausted is because vaccination protects against progression to such severe disease. ECMO is an advanced life support mode and can be life saving but it is only appropriate in certain people (those with critical lung failure refractory to conventional management who would be able to recover from severe a high acuity of illness and prolonged ICU/hospital stay - ie those with a good baseline health disease before getting critically ill - these are usually younger people - including pregnant women.)
Please review all these reports and then decide who is telling the truth with the data (that vaccination clearly protected against severe disease during delta - including in pregnancy especially the most critical Covid-19 disease requiring ecmo as the last ditch attempt to save life) and who is misrepresenting this data seemingly to try to suit a certain narrative and/or smear the person sharing it (& encouraging others to do the same)
Keen to read your response when you have reviewed these reports (all of which are available in the public domain), thank you
I had in fact updated the paper to include that additional detail, just prior to your comment.
Your arguments would carry more weight IMO if you didn't make such sweeping, non-specific, and unsupported claims as "because vaccination protects against progression to such severe disease". We are in any case talking about very small numbers of patients here - especially younger, fitter individuals. Every severe illness / death is of course a tragedy for those affected, but people like you - well-meaning or otherwise - have trashed the socio-economic fabric of the country through your words and actions. You will be well aware that there is genuine concern about vaccine safety - and plenty of evidence to point at vaccine harms, as I myself have written about separately.
You say you don't know Dr Sivananthan and I will take you at your word, but you can hardly deny that there is a culture of "we know best" arrogance among many like-minded NHS personnel - which leads directly to deception of the kind illustrated by that BBC story. Will you, for example, now publicly condemn - on your Twitter account - the disinformation *still* propagated in that article?
Your Twitter feed shows your absolute disdain for a large majority of ordinary people in this country. I do not expect you to recognise that, far less concede it publicly, but somewhere deep down you know it's true.
Isn't weird how suddenly only 2 patients needed ECMO in 2022 when there was more COVID and many more COVID deaths after the start of the vaccine rollout which commenced for the elderly on 8th Dec 2020 up to the end of 2021.
So it is clear that ECMO was abandoned after the vaccine rollout, despite ongoing deaths.
Why? Was ECMO used as another propaganda tool to get people vaccinated, and then when most people were vaccinated who were going to be, just abandoned? The COVID deaths didn't go away.
Or maybe there was a new category for severe COVID in 2022 - "severe enough to die but not severe enough for ECMO"
A full investigation of intensive care units in the UK needs to happen after Dr Sampson's revelations.
The numbers needing ICU for severe Covid19 have fortunately dropped dramatically since Dec21. Approx 10,000 adults admired during wave 1, 25,000 in wave 2, 15,000 in wave 3 and just 3000 with Covid as the primary reason for ICU admission to England, Wales &. NI during 2022 (wave 4 onwards). All detailed in the ICNARC reports which I’ve shared multiple times with you on twitter and here but here is the link again if you need it
ICNARC, the registered charity? Subject to the whims of the pharma donor class? I looked at their private/public board and financials some time ago. I was not impressed with what I saw.
It’s pretty clear that vaccination protects against severe Covid19 disease in pregnancy. This is clearly shown by the ICNARC and ECMO data.
It's not clearly shown in that data at all. Did you verify that confounding information was adjusted for? Is the data properly presented pro rata, not in absolute terms? Were all patients correctly classified? Even those whose vax status could be determined were routinely miscategorised due to the entirely fallacious notion that no-one is "vaccinated" until 2 weeks post dose 2. Jeez, have you read any of the hundreds of articles completely trashing the ICNARC methodologies that are the same as all the other "public health" bodies? What about the ones whose status could not be determined? Just dumped in unvaxxed too?
Some good questions there Joel!
Over the last 24 hours, following her ridiculously disingenuous response to this article, I've been looking at her Twitter history in a bit more detail. Like her ideological far-left co-conspirators, it's one continuous pack of lies.
One good example is her record on NHS Covid admissions statistics.
Are they published articles? Please can you share?
The ICNARC data cites only 1.7% of those classified as unvaccinated having a positive test within 2 weeks of their first vaccine dose. The preprint of this data (usual caveats re preprint of course) cites a strength of the study being the v low % of the data unlinked. Obviously we will have to wait until it is fully published before we can review & critique
No it isn't.
I think it is a bit rich to say I trashed the socio-economic fabric of the country. I had nothing to do with any government policies. I have only ever shared data - such as here to try and ensure people have access to accurate information so they can make the best informed decisions about their own health.
Yes (fortunately) we are talking about small numbers when discussing those needing ecmo for severe Covid19. The sad fact is those numbers would have been even smaller if those patients had been vaccinated (95% of those needing ecmo in that delta period were unvaccinated.) It was truly heartbreaking to see these young previously fit and well people (especially those pregnant and brand new mums) harmed by what would have most likely in them been a vaccine preventable disease. The data clearly shows this.
The only people I have disdain for on twitter are those that share misinformation on important health matters. The reason I bother to respond despite a ton of abuse I receive for it is that I care and don’t want anyone else to suffer unnecessarily.
It's entirely appropriate. You chose to join the "mutton crew" aka "disinformation units". This was not forced on you. As a member of such units you have acted completely outside of the interests of the British public and in your own interest, in which you have been rewarded by a high profile position in the ECMO sphere in the UK. This is absolutely contrary to good medical practice.
You have no understanding of the mechanism of mRNA therapy and have no concept of the impossibility that parenteral vaccination or gene therapy could not possibly benefit a patient in terms of pneumonia risk, which is your only concern and interest here. Because you have no knowledge of the mechanism of vaccination you are outside your scope of practice recommending vaccination to a point where you are prepared to dehumanise people on twitter with "antivax" slurs ( Practising outside your sphere of expertise is contrary to GMC GMP as you well know.
If you did bother to do any reading about vaccination or mRNA therapy you would know that a parenteral vaccine could not possibly produce intrabronchial antibody protection. You would also have read the papers showing immune suppression and IgG4 class switching demonstrating that mRNA vaccination worsens disease as opposed to preventing it. You would also have known that the UKHSA vaccine surveillance data showed a 3x increase in case rates per 100,000 and the NSW ICU admissions data showed that there were no unvaccinated patients admitted to ICU for months in the omicron wave.
You didn't do this reading because you had a job to do. Your job was to crush the people you hate - the very people you disparaged online.
The fact that you have come on here without a single shred of humility tells us all we need to know about you.
Can you explain the English ICU covid19 demographic data by vaccination status May21-Feb22 from ICNARC please (if you don’t think that vaccination protected against severe disease in Covid-19 during that time period)? In particular the pregnancy data (which has been highlighted in this article).
Oh dear Ms Sampson, Caroline, what a muddle you've gotten yourself in. May God have mercy?
It's not "rich" at all. You're simply refusing to pause and reflect on what you've done.
The pregnancy data alone clearly shows that the made up “ECMOgate” claims by jikkyleaks can’t be true (by merit of the v low numbers of pregnant women even in ICU during this period who were unvaccinated). I would be grateful if you could share these facts with him as he has blocked me (and I him when his posts became increasingly threatening. Normally I wouldn’t block as it’s important for his followers to read the actual data but I found some of his responses and that of his followers quite frightening so blocked him for my own safety)
I will *not* share your propaganda with anyone.
I have spent a lot of time presenting a factual case in this paper, but you and your activist cabal ignore anything and everything which does not suit your ideological narrative. You're very happy to gloss over the fact of proven outright lies from Dr Sivananthan and others - why not start a "disinformation campaign" to discredit her? Because she's on your side is why.
You clearly have not "only ever shared data". Like so many of your fellow cultists, you cherry pick and distort the data with the express intention to deceive (don't insult my intelligence by denying it) then you wash your hands of the consequences - "nothing to do with any government policies"? Pull the other one. As an individual, of course you don't - but as a member of a highly politicised club acting in unison, this is *all* on you and your disingenuous far-left fellows.
As I said in the article, you are a disgrace to your profession. I don't think you have any self-awareness at all, and I will not respond to you again on here until you say something sensible. I'll not hold my breath.
It's quite clear from the thread that you blocked jikkyleaks first after your hatred from the "antivaxxers" was exposed. Most people block back after a block from the mutton crew because we have all been exposed to your "report behind a block" tactics.
When you lie about small things, it brings attention to lies about the bigger things.
Spot on.
I'm not a doctor but you're not either! No good doctor would vaccinate pregnant women well maybe Mengela?
Medicine has become evil in the last 3 years and you obviously like the WHO protocols! They are killing people by the thousands!
Doctors are supposed to do no harm! Discrimination is also harm! Sad and brainwashed! Glad I am not in the UK absolute disgrace!
To be fair, looking at the BBC article it is unclear when the comment made by Dr Sivananthan was made. If this comment was made in the latter half of 2021 it was true (as demonstrated by the ecmo data from NHSE that you have added to this substack). They should have clarified that “the most seriously ill patients in intensive care units” specifically meant those on ecmo for covid19. She should have just said that between May21 and Feb22 in England 93.5-98.3% of the pregnant and post partum women admitted to ICU because of severe covid19 were unvaccinated (again you’ve already shared this ICNARC data in your substack article).
No, the facts are that we are talking about a handful of people. As you very well know. And that Dr Sivananthan lied.
Based on the true data, this was a non story.
You are irritating me now with your deceitful agenda. If you continue to ignore the real point and insist on trolling here, I will have to block you and remove your replies. I am only prepared to suffer fools so far.
The latest safety report from Pfizer states that as at beginning Dec 2021 there was no data to support the vaccination of pregnant women. The report is lengthy but the statement is on page 6. "According to the European Risk Management plan V4" "Safety concerns for BTN162b2 are" bullet point three "missing information: use in pregnancy and while breast feeding". No one should have been recommending that women take an experimental biological agent at this time.
This is the link
The report does include data for the 6 month period Dec 21 to Jun 22.
I am only a mother, so what would I know, but it doesn't look good to me.
PSUR -2 0.8% of population pregnant
PSUR-3 0.7% " A drop of 12.5% in 6 months
Out of 3642 mothers 40% (1479) suffered from serious adverse effects
As facts matter. And those are the facts.
Well said sir.
Indeed. Another lie. There were no threats or even hints of threats in that thread. What there was was a demand that the whole of the ECMO speciality explain themselves after Dr Sampson's claims that spectacularly backfired because instead of being truthful she was pushing a narrative. The more she protests the more I get the feeling that thread was too close to the truth. Hence why the article here is so aptly titled.
I am happy to clarify any details about respiratory ecmo. This is a specialised field of critical care hence many will not be aware of what it is, and who can benefit.
And yes, facts matter.
Misinformation matters. At the very minimum you abused skewed data to falsely represent a position. At worst you let your hatred of a group of people bias your treatment of them. You have zero humility. Oh and please quit the satanic symbolism. It's childish.
If you disagree with our assessment then release your ECMO data and the ICNARC data in full including the age, comorbidities, date of vaccination, date of positive covid test, date of death or date of discharge and ECMO criteria. The release should be signed off by someone else in another department as showing a true record of the data that they have sighted and authenticated by NHS number to be true.
People do not trust you and you have massively undermined the public's trust in medicine and especially intensive care.
Wouldn't that be nice...
I think it's incredible that you single out one person, when many medical professionals are speaking out. Are they all lying? How are they benefitting? I think it's fantastic that he, and others like him are undermining the public's trust in big pharmaceutical medicine, when there is, and has, been many other less profitable options. You can't stop this avalanch of information. The tide is turning and the vaccine-injured WILL be heard.
Morals over Money.
How many times during the pandemic did you recommend:
- Vitamin D, C, and/or Zinc
- Getting adequate sleep
- Exercising
- Eating healthy
Is any of this actually documented?
Also, how many times did you tell people to get vaxxed?
I think Dr Sampsons's ECMO patients will eventually be audited. I think you will find that none of them received early antibiotic therapy (as per established SARS protocols) or steroids for any significant time once any bacterial pneumonia was excluded. If this has happened the doctors involved in those patients' care may well find themselves under manslaughter investigation. As a doctor in the UK you are not protected at all against manslaughter charges. It's a known issue. The threshold of proof is somewhat higher in medicine than in the corporate world but if the above criteria are met I would imagine that the threshold would be met. I can't see any court or coronial enquiry accepting the death of patients treated with ECMO without an honest attempt to treat an organising pneumonia with macrolide antibiotics and steroids or immune modulators.
I'm just wondering how many vax peddlers actually recommended people try the most basic healthy activities (vitamins/nutrients/healthy diet, good sleep, exercise, etc) that have been known for decades to improve the immune system's ability to fight disease. Just by paying close attention, I've found that it's exceptionally rare for them to recommend any of these things but they're constantly peddling the vax.
I might compare it to someone going to the doctor for a headache and being given an opiate prescription immediately, instead of first being asked if they're properly hydrated, eating well, getting enough sleep, etc. Maybe it's just me but I'd think trying to improve your patients health IN GENERAL is more important than trying to get a needle in their arm.
As it happens all of our Covid-19 ecmo patients received antibiotics & steroids. The vast majority before they deteriorated to the point that ecmo was the last resort to try and save life
It will show in the audits. Intensivists were the most vocal group against early treatment in the community, which had been standard care for SARS and for other post-viral pneumonias. Then what they did was claim that the patients arriving on their doorstep were too sick for any treatment other than ventilation. The ventilators worsened bacterial pneumonia and added aspergillosis as a bonus. Some of the patients eventually got antibiotics (too late) and antifungals don't always work. If intensivists had bought into safe early treatments with the same enthusiasm they bought into the failed vaccines, a lot of death could have been avoided, but there would likely not have been the bonus money to the ECMO units.
All also received other immunomodulatory treatment (tocilizumab) when this was recommended
I’m an ICU consultant. Whilst all of these are sensible public health advice, it is probably too late to have much impact by the time someone has been admitted to critical care.
I would hope that people knew that these are important without having to be specifically told by a healthcare professional?
I hope your clinical skills are higher than your standards of humanity & integrity. The public are becoming heartily sick of doctors like you, arrogant & heartless.
Since when did it become acceptable for doctors to start insulting, belittling & judging people who merely wish to choose their own medical treatment. A doctor can give advice, it's the patient's choice whether to take that advice.
Can you please define for us the term "antivaxxer"& explain why you dislike these people??
Until you can apologize for insulting people who have chosen their own medical treatment path you do not deserve the respect normally afforded to members of the medical profession. In fact you don't even deserve to be registered as a doctor. I do hope someone in your country has reported you to your medical board.
"it is probably too late to have much impact by the time someone has been admitted to critical care"
Same with getting "vaccinated" right? You don't inject people after they go to the hospital with C19. They're supposed to do it first as preventable
"I would hope that people knew that these are important without having to be specifically told by a healthcare professional?"
You would be surprised actually. Further, you could say the same about the so-called "vaccines" - every adult knows what a vaccine is (generally) and what they're supposed to do. Especially after the media pushed pro-vax propaganda 24/7 for months.
But yeah, even after about a year of research showing disproportionately high rates of Vit.D deficiency in serious C19 cases, people still ended up not getting it. It should be the first thing to remind people. And of course the best method is sun exposure, but taking supplements is probably better than being deficient -- which is very common.
One could even try to make the argument that being light skinned yourself, focusing on the vax instead of Vit.D might be a form of racism, since low Vit.D is far more common in dark-skinned ethnic minorities.
I advised vaccination against Covid-19 as the vast majority of those I was caring for in ICU during delta were unvaccinated. Just as I advise influenza vaccination in at risk groups as every year apart from 2020/21 I see people critically ill from ‘flu (who are not vaccinated)
The influenza vaccine prevents nothing, as per Cochrane multiple reviews.
Because you don't understand that a parenteral vaccine cannot prevent a pneumonia (which causes most influenza related deaths) you keep pushing these failed lines. That in itself is not so bad, but publicly disparaging people who disagree with you is where you crossed the line.
It was abhorrent behaviour.
"I advise influenza vaccination"
Do you know the vitamin D status of these people? Do you know the quality of their diet and sleep? Every time I get sick it's usually after 2-3 days of poor sleep in a row. These issues tend to cause a long list of potential problems, lowered immune function is just one of them.
Check out this study from pre-C19:
"Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and
The narrative writers can get away with lying and being retarded because NPC's are retarded.
"Far right..."
I hate BOTH "sides" equally.
There is no "both sides" to this. Unless you can point me to a single "far right" aspect to the Covid response?
There were some far-right neo-Nazi folk in Kentucky promoting Vitamin D, Zinc, exercise and good sleep hygiene. Does that count?
Lol. Those red-neck loonies!
My comment was about your comment about the MSM narrative wordsmithing to sweep any dissenting opinions under the rug.
We have a disease, alright. It's called CENTRAL BANKS.
There is no far right in any of the common misconceptions of the term. Far left is rampant with elitist doctors and politicians clamouring to be the politburo of a collectivist state. Far right would really be the guy on his homestead asking to be left alone with his family and God.
If you go too far in either direction, you end up at the same place...
AKA Horseshoe Theory.
The main enemies are the money changers.
Politicians and appointed officials are merely puppets with the illusions of differences generated to distract the masses.
Well said.