To say that the UK has been locked in an existential battle for freedom, democracy, and traditional British values for the past several years is not strictly accurate. The reality is that it’s been a one-sided establishment rout, with almost no one in uniparty politics (Tories, Labour, Lib Dems), the legal profession, the civil service, banking, the corporate world, or the media, standing up to defend the people of this country - the loyal patriotic backbone - from ever-escalating, anti-British, “Woke” lunacy.
The population has been subjected to house arrest and harmful forced vaccinations against a hyperbolically exaggerated “health emergency”, involvement in foreign proxy wars that no sane person wants, a propaganda campaign against a fake “climate emergency”, massive inflation caused by deliberate government policy, immigration which is totally out of control, a two-tier policing system, and much, much more.
Just two weeks ago, we issued a call to arms for a new political coalition to take the fight back to the malign establishment forces who are destroying the UK, and much of the Western world.
Divided We Fall
At the time, we were not hopeful. There was little, if any, public sign that anyone in UK politics was prepared or brave enough to take up the challenge.
But, if “a week is a long time in politics”, as per the famous quote attributed to Harold Wilson, a fortnight is an age. In that time, there have been seismic shifts in the political landscape, and in the last few days we have had some serious heavyweight attacks launched at the Tory government, and the Prime Minister in particular, from within.
The unelected, unelectable, puppet that is Rishi Sunak is toast, as is the entire Conservative Party - finished, permanently. There is no coming back from this for those duplicitous frauds who have betrayed their country. The only people in the UK who don’t see that are delusional Tory MP’s themselves and, ironically, Keir Starmer’s irrelevant Labour Party opposition - who form just another wing of the uniparty.
Of the four “great offices of state”, three are now occupied by individuals who, in saner times, would not pass the most cursory vetting process.
Jeremy Hunt’s and David Cameron’s links to the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, are so obvious as to be almost beyond parody, and Cameron’s Greensill shenanigans have been well covered elsewhere. Rishi Sunak’s globalist loyalties (unlike his commitment to the UK) are not in question, and the role of his father-in-law, the billionaire Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, in both his ascent through the Tory ranks and his current policy agenda is … suspicious, to say the least.
Meanwhile, the sinister globalist forces of the WEF, the UN, the EU, the ECHR, as well as the UK establishment ‘blob’ and many others as we have discussed in earlier essays, are ever-present - we might previously have said “in the shadows”, but they have become so emboldened in recent years that they are now operating in plain sight.
Now is the time for the new political force we called for in our previous post to step into the vacuum and save Britain.
Below is an updated proposal for some of the key people who could lead the movement from a political standpoint. But this is just an example to prompt discussion - we need a group of people with varying backgrounds, talents and experience, who can put aside any differences and work together to fight for Albion!
We have of course heard many fine words from politicians before. What we need to see now is action, and urgently.
For the Conservative names above, ‘no confidence’ letters to Graham Brady are no longer enough, we are well past the point of no return for the Tories. The key individuals must unite to form a brand new political party, conducting politics in a brand new way - and there we must add a couple of cautionary notes.
Unlike the Tories under Sunak, who has been behaving ever more as a ‘silent dictator’ since the day he completed his palace coup, the new party must be properly democratic. The leader should be genuinely nothing more than ‘first amongst equals’ and cabinet responsibility must mean something once again.
Equally important, the politicians must be supported by professional teams of management and technical (including media) specialists.
For all their principled determination, recent ministers such as Suella Braverman and Dominic Raab (remember him?) have proven completely unable to get anything done in the face of constant, concerted opposition from ‘the blob’ - hordes of civil servants and activist lawyers who refuse to accept the democratic will of the British people.
Elected politicians need a fully qualified, professionally led, ‘Anti-Blob’ team to take on the neo-Marxist subversives on their behalf. We need to stop doing the same thing over and over again, naively expecting ‘a different result next time’.
Ministers decide what is needed, and the Anti-Blob team make it happen.
I guess the first question is: Do you think Britain can be saved at all, at this juncture?
Well said and great cartoons! You could include the wretched SNP in your list of Uniparty politicians.
I’ve been railing for years against our UK Uniparty politicians who disenfranchise the electorate by acting in lockstep as compliant puppets to the globalist overlords who call the shots on all the important policy issues. For personal reasons (including old age!) I’m trying to withdraw from active campaigning and I recently put out a swan-song email post entitled “My heretical epitaph” kindly hosted by Joel Smalley:
Chiming with your cartoon thought bubble, in that post I said “Sunak looks to be marking time taking care not to rock the boat until he gets the order from above to go ahead on the Great Reset. Trilateral Commission Starmer would be no different”. I doubt if these Uniparty politicians care much about which if them is in power, just so long as their puppet-masters' wishes get fulfilled.
I also asked my politician addressees “Why are you siding with evil globalists in their murderous undeclared war against your own people”? Needless to say, I got no replies.
The SNP illustrate how far gone the Uniparty politicians are in their unquestioning support of unaccountable globalist bodies, including their precious EU. If the SNP’s drive for Scottish independence were really about the wellbeing of the Scottish people, they would reject the global establishment’s destructive, pointless climate change policies and it’s murderous Covid “plandemic” (and these two examples are just for starters). But they don’t, in fact they are the most rabidly compliant of all. Weird!