1. Introduction
In this paper we argue that the lack of a coherent, professionally managed counter-narrative means we are losing - and will inevitably continue to lose - the battle to retain/restore democratic freedoms in the UK. Britain is not of course unique in the issues we face today; much of the analysis we will present also applies, to a greater or lesser degree, in other nations across the Anglosphere, Europe, and the developed world in general. However, we will focus as we usually do on the UK example.
That it may already be too late to stop the rot does not mean we should throw in the towel, yet we can only begin to reverse the slide into dystopian totalitarianism if we recognise what is happening, and unite around a clear strategy to reverse the madness. Being ready to “fight for our freedom” is not enough - emotional, borderline hysterical, responses to each point issue will not result in victory over the forces of darkness. We must face our enemies with a calm, calculated determination and a clear, focused strategy.
At heart, all our problems are political; any solution must therefore be politically led. But many politicians have already tried to disrupt the relentless march into a neo-Marxist ‘Woke’ hell-hole without sufficient regard for how formidable and all-pervasive the enemy is. Donald Trump, Liz Truss, Jair Bolsonaro and others have found to their cost that anyone going against the prevailing narrative is mercilessly targeted and defenestrated. Giorgia Meloni, the supposedly “far-right” Prime Minister of Italy, seems to have been completely ineffectual to date - possibly because she is keeping her head well below the parapet to avoid a similar fate.
Vicious, coordinated attacks cover the entire spectrum of dissenting voices, from Heads of State to private individuals on social media. Andrew Bridgen for example, formerly of the Conservative Party and now a lone voice representing Reclaim, is constantly and disgracefully attacked by his political peers and the mainstream media, for daring to contradict the official lies about “safe and effective” vaccines. Mr Bridgen always argues with reference to official statistics and professionally prepared papers, but that counts for nothing. He is constantly defamed as a wild conspiracy theorist pushing ‘debunked nonsense’ - except that nothing he has presented is ever actually debunked.
Politicians seeking to fight the madness need to get smarter, as Mr Bridgen is already attempting by seeking specialist advice from credible experts. They need to recognise the dangers from the political, administrative and mainstream media establishment, whose every institution has been captured by Long March neo-Marxist ideology, and they need support from professionally managed teams of specialist ‘technocrats’ who can counter the lies of the “(tear it all down and) Build Back Better” brigade, with sound science and genuine data analysis.
Here, we will discuss the existing political landscape and present an approach for a unified, coordinated fightback, based on a clear strategy as illustrated:
Some of the topics we cover here are complex, and difficult to cover effectively in a single paper. Depending on reader feedback, we may elaborate further on some of the issues in future papers.
2. Overview
As the world moves, with dizzying speed, from one “current thing” to the next, it is ever more difficult for any of us to maintain a sense of sanity and reality. If it increasingly seems to you that the world has gone completely mad, it may just be because the world has gone completely mad.
Among other dangerous, catastrophic fiascos, we now have:
A protracted war in Ukraine with no end in sight and no attempt to broker peace.
A new war in Israel threatening to escalate out of control.
Islamist extremists chanting anti-Semitic and anti-Western slogans with impunity in major European capitals.
Insane politicians and grifters continuing to insist that we face a ‘Climate Emergency’ and target Net Zero as a strategic goal for 2050.
An official Covid Inquiry in the UK that is utterly corrupted.
Fundamental freedoms still being ceded to unaccountable international bodies.
Immigration running out of control in both Europe and the US.
A National Health Service, and other ‘public services’, in total disarray.
Yet our politicians are totally uninterested in resolving any of these problems in the interests of the citizens they supposedly represent. The Tories have just been wiped out in two local by-elections, losing seats in massive swings to Labour, on low turnouts, as illustrated.
It is important to note that, as revealed by the low turnout figures compared to the last General Election, these massive reversals were not driven by any increase in the Labour vote, but rather by Tory voters abstaining. There is no absolute increase in support for Labour.
Nevertheless, in normal times, you would expect these woeful results would wake the Tories up to the reality that they are about to be decimated at the next General Election but, like rabbits in the headlights, they seem totally unable to change tack and actually do anything. The answer for the Tories, if they were genuine conservatives and genuinely interested in serving the public, is blindingly obvious as we have previously described.
Saving the UK from Rishi Sunak & his Globalist Co-Conspirators
That the Conservatives have so far shown themselves to be totally incapable of taking the necessary steps to return to sane government tells us that the answer does not lie with them.
Labour’s ideological commitment to the destruction of the UK is of course even more deranged, epitomised by the Labour Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who is seemingly determined to completely destroy one of the world’s greatest cities.
That people are continuing to vote Labour in defiance of all the evidence is bizarre and dispiriting, but it perfectly illustrates the level of Long March indoctrination that pervades society. We described the public’s current detachment from reality in an earlier paper; many of the issues we are now grappling with pre-date the initial outbreak of Covid but, as we said previously, “the febrile state of the national psyche described above has been massively amplified since 2020.”
A Journey of a Thousand Miles ...
After almost four years of constant indoctrination, people today are more susceptible than ever to the risk of Mass Formation, as espoused by Prof Mattias Desmet and popularised by Dr Robert Malone in a Joe Rogan podcast from December 2021.
“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety, in a sense that things don't make sense – we can't understand it – and then their attention gets focused by a leader or a series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis,"
This phenomena is not exclusive to the Covid shambles - we have seen abundant evidence of exactly what Dr Malone describes in the whole range of issues we list above, during the past weeks and months.
However the role of Mass Formation, while very real in our opinion, needs to be be properly understood - to simply blame the insanity on Mass Formation is simplistic and reductionist. Many knew that the hysteria around Covid had been cult like from day one, but there was far more to the orchestrated dissemination of official misinformation than a simple spontaneous eruption of mass hysteria. A simpler way to refer to “the orchestrated dissemination of official misinformation” is of course to speak of conspiracies - and there is no doubt that conspiracists with various agendas walk among us, as we have previously discussed.
Global Tyranny: Why are they doing it?
So the current madness is the product of various drivers - some genuine issues, much Mass Formation, nefarious agendas from various conspiracists whose interests align, and more.
But there is another factor, and those of us who claim a desire to halt, or even reverse, the madness need to look to ourselves as part of the problem. Our ‘resistance’ is fragmented and dilute, lacking a cohesive counter narrative underpinned by professional research and a single holistic agenda for ordinary people to coalesce around. If we are ever to reverse the tide of tyranny, that needs to change. And soon!
3. The Demise of Democracy
3.1 The Rise of the Uniparty
We surely do not need to dwell too long here on the ‘Uniparty’ problem. It is almost impossible to meaningfully distinguish between the established political parties in the UK. The Tories, Labour and the Liberal Democrats essentially agree on every major issue, including:
‘Big State’ politics and a high tax, high spending government.
The deranged response to Covid.
A totally unproven (fictitious) “Climate Emergency” and the need for Net Zero madness.
Unqualified and unlimited support for the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
The need to clamp down on so-called, utterly ambiguous ‘misinformation’, ‘hate speech’ and anything else which does not align with the approved Uniparty narrative.
High levels of legal migration and a conspiracy to pretend that illegal economic migrants - almost exclusively healthy, working age males - are “refugees”.
A belief in a “rules based (new) world order” in which sovereignty is incrementally and inexorably ceded to unaccountable international bodies, including the UN (IPCC & WHO), the IMF, the ECHR, NATO and others.
A strategy of devolving authority (without matching accountability) to UK Quango’s, including the Climate Change Committee (CCC), the Bank of England (BoE), the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), key industry regulators (Ofcom, Ofgem) and others.
All of these bodies, along with the education establishment, the civil service, and the legal profession, have been captured by extremist left-wing ideologs and/or special-interest campaigners.
The only (claimed) substantive point of difference in recent years has been Brexit - with the Tories under Boris Johnson promising to “get Brexit done”. But Brexit is not in fact done in any true sense - the UK continues to be exposed to EU madness, Northern Ireland has been cast adrift, we have not “taken back control” of our borders, and the surrender of sovereignty to international bodies as listed above is accelerating, rather than slowing.
In short, the people of the UK have been betrayed by our self-serving and corrupt Uniparty politicians - who, pretty much everyone agrees, are completely useless. There is an enormous political vacuum in the UK, with the majority of voters feeling completely disenfranchised - an open door for a centre or centre-right alternative party to walk through, yet this is not happening.
Despite a massive drop in support for the Tories, and Labour treading water as described in section 2 above, detailed results from last week’s by-elections show that alternative minority parties are failing to make any substantial gains from the established parties. The largest share of the vote for any independent or minority party candidate was 5.4% for Reform UK (previously the Brexit Party) in Tamworth.
The total vote share across all independent and minority party candidates does not exceed 15% in either case, in low-turnout by-elections where we might reasonably expect the ‘protest vote’ phenomenon to have played a significant role.
The existing alternative parties have no serious chance of affecting the next - now fast approaching - general election. As things stand, we are going to see either a continuation of the existing Tory shambles or, even worse by quite some distance, an incoming Labour government. We elaborate on the reasons for the failure of the current minor parties below.
3.2 Neo-Marxist globalism - an Unholy, Unstable Alliance
The Uniparty situation as described above is a disaster for UK democracy. However, in a very real sense it is the least of our problems, since the UK is no longer governed by our elected politicians in any meaningful sense.
We have frequently used the term ‘neo-Marxist globalists’, both in previous articles on this platform and on TwiX - and we have received considerable pushback from people who argue that the current madness has nothing to do with Marxism. We therefore need to explain our position in a bit more detail - we will elaborate further in a future paper if reader feedback shows a need, but we provide an overview with external references here.
We use neo-Marxism to describe what is typically called “Cultural Marxism” by students of 20th century radical leftism - covering the history of Antonio Gramsci, the Frankfurt School and the Long March through the Institutions.
Those indoctrinated with Long March ideology mostly have no idea that they are in any way far-left extremists and many deny it vehemently when so accused. Similarly, many on the side of democratic freedom frequently assert that our current dystopian predicament has little or nothing to do with left (or right) wing politics. This is hardly surprising, since the Long March was and is a mostly covert operation, and any reference to Cultural Marxism is rapidly and effectively shut down by those who know all too well that full exposure at this stage could be seriously detrimental to their cause. If you are unconvinced, look at these TwiX posts, which attempt to slur anyone using the term as an anti-Semitic Nazi fascist.
This is particularly ironic and shameless, given the reaction of the far left to the recent Hamas atrocities, and their disgraceful tirades against Jewish Israelis in “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations across the world.
Of course, suppression of any information which runs counter to ‘the narrative’ is not limited to denial of the Long March, it is a constant tactic of the enemies of democracy, as Andrew Bridgen and many others have found.
It is perfectly true though that Karl Marx would not recognise much of today’s far-left activism as having anything to do with his classical ideology. In 2023, the conditions which inspired Marx to develop his political ideas in the 19th century are long gone. So we choose our terminology carefully and deliberately.
Marxist ideology is rooted in class warfare, and the oppression of proletariat workers by bourgeoisie asset owners/controllers. The ‘oppression’ that today’s social justice warriors (SJW’s) use to espouse their virtue-signalling support for BLM, for ‘ordinary’ Palestinians, for developing countries at imagined risk of a ‘climate catastrophe’, for LGBTQ2IA+ minorities, and others, reflects the same basic sentiment - albeit hideously distorted - that there are groups or classes of people who are discriminated against by ‘others’ on the basis either of their ‘identity’ or some historical injustice.
Critical theory, identity politics, intersectionality - all of these word salad concepts - are based on the fundamental (and risibly simplistic) notion that there are oppressors and oppressed in the world, and the oppressed need support, safe spaces, positive discrimination, and reparations.
So the fundamental link between the 19th century ideology of Karl Marx, and 21st century neo-Marxist ‘Woke’ insanity, is the idea of the Victim of social injustice.
We know that the Long March was a calculated, deliberate exercise designed to succeed where previous hopes/expectations of violent revolution had failed. Marc Sidwell’s excellent book, available free in electronic from from the New Culture Forum website, is well worth reading.
There are other factors too which contribute to the overall madness which has gripped the world, many of them rooted in fundamental human nature. An interesting piece, The Tyranny of Pathological Kindness by Dr Peter Hughes, has recently been published on Unherd. His essay is liberally sprinkled with references to Long March lunacy - “identity-based”, “intersectional narrative”, “oppressed”, “Marxist” - and he discusses how constant exposure to ‘unintelligible pathological gibberish’ (we paraphrase) leads to ordinary people losing their sense of reality. This results in a “pathocracy … wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people”.
We thus have evidence of the crime (today’s Woke madness), the motive (a communist takeover from within) and the means (the Long March). That’s what we might call a slam dunk.
The explanation so far, though, only covers half our preferred term - ‘neo-Marxist globalists’. The truly bizarre aspect of this phenomenon is that it represents an alliance between indoctrinated Long March leftists and the most extreme manifestations of the exact capitalist oligarchs that genuine socialists should despise - the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Larry Fink, and dozens more who harbour not the faintest concern for the “useful idiots” they have so comprehensively exploited for so long. Like quantum physics, you could not make it up, and yet it’s real.
The Globalist Oligarchy, as we might call it, is itself a loose coalition of various actors motivated either by obscene amounts of money (the likes of Larry Fink, head of Black Rock) or megalomania and/or ambitions for global domination (e.g. the cartoonish Bond villain Klaus Schwab, António Gutteres, the incumbent, overtly communist, secretary-general of the UN, and - of course - the shameless Anthony Fauci).
But there is a third group of actors involved in this symbiotic circle of corruption and insanity - the amoral opportunists who seize every chance to exploit the prevailing political landscape to feather their own nests. These range from the huge corporate interests of Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex, to academics who will sell their souls for grant money, ‘green energy’ titans who will sign up the gullible for unreliable power from their windmills, those desperate to sell you an inappropriate heat pump or solar panel, and fake doctors who will provide you with useless cloth face masks bearing their puerile logos.
The resulting merry-go-round of megalomania, corruption, and gullibility is illustrated above. While it is tempting to feel a mixture of pity and contempt for the individuals involved at every level, it is important to realise that this is deadly serious. This is how today’s world is really ‘governed’ - in the words quoted in Peter Hughes’ Unherd essay referenced above, a small pathological minority has taken control over society - and any naïve, hapless politician who tries to break the cycle, without fully understanding how it works, is liable to find their career cut unexpectedly short.
But there’s a serious risk for this uneasy, unstable alliance of evil. Eventually, the Globalist Oligarchy may push their luck too far and find that even the useful idiots are not quite as stupid as they seem. As shown on the right hand side of the diagram, when the brainwashed masses finally wake up, this could yet lead to the violent revolution foreseen by Karl Marx.
We also see occasional fractures within the Globalist Oligarchy. For example, the recent condemnation of António Gutteres for his partisan comments on the Middle East. However, we do not expect the globalist coalition to collapse, since all those involved are motivated first and foremost by self-interest - they ‘know which side their bread is buttered’, and they are disciplined. They are unlikely to press the self-destruct button by engaging in internecine warfare amongst themselves.
4. A Fragmented Opposition
So what of those who remain immune to the indoctrinated madness of the Long March? We are still a significant minority, if not a majority in reality - surely we can recover the situation from the lunatics? Why is this not happening, given the ever more outrageous fictions being used to justify the madness?
The short answer is that the truth about what the crimes that are being perpetrated is complicated, and it is constantly suppressed by our captured mainstream media. If ordinary people knew just how corrupted the entire system is, they would not stand for it - while most people know that something is very badly wrong with the world, they are deceived about the true causes. In the UK, for example, many blame the ‘far right Tories’ for every issue. While we have no time for the fools currently masquerading as Tories in government, it is clear that they are totally impotent - at the mercy of the Globalist Oligarchy, the anarchic grifters, and their useful idiots as described above.
The long answer is a little more involved.
While there are a number of bodies which have done some excellent work, including the HART group, together, usforthem, pandata, netzerowatch, dontdivideus and others, they lack unity and the discipline to maintain a clear, holistic manifesto, underpinned by formal, stable scientific positions on each issue.
Most of these organisations are single issue campaigning groups, focussing mainly on the Covid shambles, the climate scam, and the race baiting grift. Ironically, the very existence of dontdivideus, for example, is unintentionally divisive, in that its focus on racial harmony fails to recognise that all of these issues are linked, and rooted in neo-Marxist globalism as we have described. The same could be said for most of these groups - by focusing exclusively on their own specialist bête noires, they innocently deflect from the true causes of our malaise.
Furthermore, individuals loosely aligned with one or other of these organisations sometimes go ‘off-piste’ and open themselves up to debunking by the fact checkers - further undermining any hope of presenting a coherent, unified and defendable counter-narrative to the world at large.
Similarly, the alternative political parties - Reform, Reclaim, SDP, Heritage and others - seem resolutely determined to go it alone, rather than combine their resources and efforts around a core common agenda. Anyone wanting to lend their support - moral, financial, or practical - to a united opposition is left without an obvious choice.
We will never even begin to slow the lunacy until we unite, in an organised, professional manner, to provide that missing counter-narrative, a holistic, rational explanation of the Covid tyranny, the Climate scam, various EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) issues, and the rest.
We must stop allowing ourselves to be distracted by the next “current thing”. Stop believing that we are winning every time some dishonest politician claims they will “stop the boats”, that “lockdowns, in hindsight, weren’t the best answer”, or that “climate change may not, after all, mean the end of the world”. We must judge our ‘elites’ on their actions, not on weasel words. We must stop fooling ourselves with lazy, false hope!
Crucially, we must stop celebrating ‘free speech’ as a silver bullet solution. Free speech, clearly, is a good thing in itself, and a pre-requisite, but we must start focusing on the dissemination of truth. For that, we first need to have a common understanding of what the truth is, backed up with defendable evidence in order that we can counter puerile accusations of ‘far-right conspiracy’ from left-wing lunatics at the BBC, Sky and elsewhere.
Social media star Ivor Cummins, who has been a voice of sanity over the past few years, drew attention on TwiX recently to a video clip of Bill Gates opining on social media ‘misinformation’.
The typical social media reaction to such brazen boasting from Gates - that he and his fellow tyrants can so easily control the entire mainstream narrative, while simultaneously gaslighting anyone with a dissenting viewpoint on any ‘current thing’ - is spleen-venting outrage. While there is nothing wrong with such a reaction at a personal level, it doesn’t really get to the fundamental issue.
The thing is that, for once, Gates is “right” here. On any key issue, social media is awash with fragmented opinions and ‘truths’ from a plethora of individuals and organisations promoting their own perspectives on each topic.
Meanwhile, our enemy’s narrative - and make no mistake, this is an existential war for democratic freedom - is completely united, albeit that it is peddled by an unholy alliance of Long March “useful idiots” and unethical, amoral oligarchs such as Gates - who, in saner times, would find no common ground at all.
Covid, a mild cold for the vast majority of people, touted as a great plague.
A ‘Climate Emergency’ reported as settled science, and Net Zero as easily achievable.
Gender-fluidity presented as undeniable fact.
War in Ukraine claimed to be easily winnable by ‘our side’.
And so it goes on.
The striking thing about all of these issues is how easily disprovable they all are. The claims of the deranged lunatics on every one of these topics are so outrageous as to be laughable. In the words of Dr Peter Hughes on Unherd, “Gibberish, in the mouths of elite pathocrats, becomes wisdom, creating a utopia of nonsense.”
The corruption and nefarious propaganda is visible in plain sight, as discussed for example in a previous paper, and it is easily debunked - if we unite to make a proper attempt!
Activist Propaganda From The BBC
5. The Way Forward - How We Can Win
The dissenting voices are right, on every major issue. But we keep losing because we are divided and fragmented - and of course because the vast majority of our public institutions, the mainstream media, and increasingly our large business corporations, have been captured by neo-Marxist globalists who constantly weaponise language and hurl cheap insults.
We need to recognise the tactics of our opposition and get smart; develop a strategy of our own to manage a unified, truthful counter-narrative, which will require just a small number of basic components - crucially, this is easy to do. We just need, firstly, to promote a common understanding of the true nature of our predicament, as described above, and secondly to form a united and organised opposition to fight the lies in a professional, holistic way.
In addressing this second point we can, and should, take the lessons from business, where professional mechanisms and processes are routinely embedded. No project gets the green light without a robust business case. No document is issued without a formal business ‘peer review’ process (not a corrupted academic one!).
As per the ‘spoiler’ in the introduction, the answer is blindingly obvious. We need a new political coalition, led by a genuine, awake, charismatic and high profile team and, crucially, supported by technical and management specialists.
We suggest, inter alia, that Nigel Farage could make a crucial contribution to this new political force. Naturally we are aware that, having flirtatiously teased the Tories at their own party conference, Farage then renewed his pledge of allegiance to Reform UK the following week, but we see no conflict in our proposal. Along with any true conservatives still in the Tory party, Reform leaders and their supporters should enthusiastically support the new freedom coalition.
There are of course other courageous and high-profile individuals who could make valuable contributions - we have already mentioned Andrew Bridgen, for example. We could name others, but we should not need to; anyone wanting to unite in the fight to save this country should be self-selecting, ‘champing at the bit’ to join up.
By forming a united movement in this way, limited funding available to the ‘Freedom Movement’ would also be put to best use - avoiding competition for resources, duplication of effort and, most damaging of all, contradictory messaging.
Political leadership and management would ensure that there are no ‘rogue messages’ from impassioned individuals which could bring such a united opposition into disrepute. An official ‘shadow cabinet’ spokesperson should be assigned to represent the organisation on mainstream and social media. In short, it should behave as a professionally run business does.
Elon Musk has done the world a great favour by limiting censorship on TwiX, but for a fraction of the money he has invested to save free speech, he or one of his fellow billionaires could have supported such an organisation as we propose, and done even more to save the world from tyranny.
It is a tragedy that no one has yet taken up the challenge, but it is now clear that such an initiative is extremely unlikely to happen ‘top-down’. If the dissident groups and alternative political parties are serious about saving the UK from permanent destruction, they need to combine their efforts and make this happen from the bottom up.
If YOU want to save the world, share this message and join our campaign!
Good analysis. I’m happy to follow but I’m way too old and disenchanted to lead.
I have been trying for years to show friends and family how they are being horribly abused on multiple fronts by our treasonous UniParty politicians, sadly with very little success.
Only today I played golf with a friend who I had added to my Bcc addressee list a year ago after he developed a heart irregularity “by coincidence” after his umpteenth Covid jab. If he did read any of my emails, he certainly didn’t take them on board. When he said he was going for another jab in a few days I told him he was mad. His response was to accuse me of being an anti-vaxxer. Later in the round he suffered an obvious bout of breathlessness, to which I said that was another reason not to take any more jabs. I expect he will take it anyway.
A couple of weeks ago I challenged another group of golfing friends who were talking about getting the latest Covid jabs but I’m fairly sure that fell on deaf ears as well. People who get their news exclusively from the likes of the corrupt and complicit BBC and Guardian just haven’t a clue as to what is really going on. It’s a sadly intractable problem. I’m not even sure if the likes of Farage, Truss and Frost know. I'm fairly sure Andrew Bridgen and Neil Oliver do and Reiner Fuellmich definitely does, see https://metatron.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-grand-jury-court.
You list many current issues which our politicians ought to be trying to resolve but don’t. It seems to me that they are all just marking time until they get the order from above to impose the WEF/UN/Agenda 2030 big bang Great Reset. I said as much in my Feb 2023 post “We are being horribly abused by lies, false propaganda and suppression of the truth”, kindly posted by Joel Smalley (and others): https://metatron.substack.com/p/we-are-being-horribly-abused-by-lies
I wrote this three years ago: https://www.hughwillbourn.com/post/the-omnibus-party and more recently have published this: https://www.hughwillbourn.com/book. Grist to the mill.