Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

You mention the mainstream media are not performing their job of investigative journalism.

I investigated this in Canada and the US and the result was found by following the money.

From my digging I have come up with some alternate reasons why the mainstream media is no longer objective. It seems to have started decades ago with colleges pushing the liberal point of view and graduating liberals. This was fine until the internet came along and slowly print and TV media has been dying as people gravitate to the internet for their news. Fox News seems to have been the fist major agency to move towards picking one side and went with promoting conservative journalism viewpoint. The other major news networks went mostly to the liberal side and promoted their views, possibly because their major commercial buyers were drug companies. Objectivity was second to making a profit and staying alive. For a young person wanting to break into a job at a major news agency in New York they had to toe the liberal line and at a salary that barely covered rent.

When the Pandemic broke out the US MSM was bought by government advertising followed by big Pharma advertising when the vaccines were introduced. MSM tailored its coverage to support its advertisers.

In Canada the transition took a different route as successive Federal governments refused to bail out the failing major media until in 2018 the Liberal government suddenly reversed course and invited appx. 30 heads of major media to a meeting to divvy up over half a billion dollars in subsidies. Now the conservatives would never support a failing business, the NDP will never form the government so the only answer to stay alive and get more subsidies is for a news agency to support the liberals.

This was the year before the 2019 federal election and of course the Pandemic started at the end of 2019. I assume there was a quid pro quo deal in there.

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Piers Morgan didn't get had by the Triggernometry Boys in the slightest. Give us 10 minutes with him, he'll be totally incinerated.

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Mar 29, 2023ยทedited Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

I know a considerable number of people who were fooled because they trusted corporate media and government bureaucrats to be at least somewhat honest and competent. They will never make that mistake again, as some have stated more than once in my presence. I also know a few people who remain clueless as ever. They are nice well meaning people but dreadfully credulous. I fear they face a Darwinian future given the deceit which reigns among corporate media and DC, with no end in sight.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

A brilliant summation and pre-history of the covid scam - bravo.

This obsession with bureaucratised Health and Safety in the workplace, and totally risk-free lives that crept into all facets of life (which as you point out, became "safe spaces") has less to do with actual concern and welfare for individuals, and more about group herding and mentality.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

"The Manufacturing Of A Mass Psychosis, Can Sanity Return To An Insane World?" Academy of Ideas you tube channel.16 minutes. Graphic with quotes ~ https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI .

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

It doesn't get any better than this; outstanding work. Thank you.

Sadly, given the immense power and wealth in the hands of our oppressors, and the near absolute dearth of contrary efforts, owing to the absence of power and wealth, it seems inevitable that we will not be able to save civilization as we know it. Only when the entire edifice crumbles and we few are left to pick up the pieces and start over will we have a chance at renewal.

I know this sounds pessimistic (because it is), but, given the landscape, it also sounds realistic and prescient. I wish things were different, that we had recognized what was closing in on us earlier and in time to stop it, but the train is traveling too fast to stop it now, and we have to wait until the whole mess destroys itself (as it inevitably will) before we can look to a brighter future. At least if we acknowledge the inevitable failure of Western civilization, which was predictable and predicted, we can be better prepared to weather the storm.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

Why no Peter Hitchens in the Media list? Glaring absence.

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Excellent post. As you know from your brief look at my work, I largely concur.

Where we differ is on the question of solutions. Simply put, I no longer believe democracy (i.e., any system in which people vote and can run for office/work for government) can restrain itself, or can be brought back to some measure of sanity by means of the processes or mechanisms of the democratic system.

You hinted at it yourself: "The very last people who should have a voice in assessing the shambolic response are those who got it all wrong but now claim to have โ€œseen the lightโ€.

True! The problem isโ€”that cannot be avoided. Governments are only held accountable by themselves, and it is in their interest to do a poor job of holding themselves accountable. The notion that "the voters" can do it or will do it has proven illusoryโ€”a lovely reverie of our classical-liberal ideological forebears, dreamt up for all the right reasons, but ultimately a failure from a practical standpoint. The same applies at NGOs. The NHS, the BBC, the mediaโ€”they aren't going to be held accountable by panels of based citizens. They are going to put on kabuki masks, do their dance, and nothing real will happen.

I believe

a) democracy contains the seeds of its own destruction. (Hoppe helped me see the light here.) Anglophone genius gave us two of the greatest democratic systems ever. But that greatness only delayed their demise; it could not stop it.

b) democracy, even under better circumstances, is actually an undesirable and fundamentally rights-violative system. It simply exchanges the tyranny of majorities for the tyranny of monarchs. (And in some ways, a monarch might be safer, for as Lewis notes, his "cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated." Democratic majorities, however, are insatiableโ€”and they are structurally guaranteed to produce leftward drift.)

c) to repeat myself from aboveโ€”this situation does not seem soluble by means of those mechanisms afforded to us by the democratic system. Try to imagine solving any of this. I am not trying to black-pill you here, but try to imagine gaining enough "democratic" momentum to turn back the tide. Then, as ephemeral as that vision is, try to imagine doing so in some fashion that will not let the pendulum swing right back. I used to fancy myself an imaginative person, but I no longer can imagine anything even close.

Weirdly, I am not black-pilled about this. I believe that we are on the cusp of the next evolution in human governance. From 1.0 (hereditary rule) to 2.0 (democratic rule) to 3.0โ€”something new. Decentralized. Voluntary. Polities of any size: micro-states, city states, etc. Private-law societies. Sovereign joint-stock realms. Allodial title to one's land. Voluntary subscription to competing private rights-protection agenciesโ€ฆand even to membership-based mini-countries. The freedom to choose. No more involuntary governance.

I know this seemingly pie-in-the-sky vision doesn't seem to help much in the near termโ€”yet I think it does: I think the time has come to give up on the notion that this is going to get solved by winning elections. I think that while we focus on elections and trying to reform the system, they're going to "concentrate" us in 15-minute cities, give us digital currency and smart meters (both of which they can turn off if we misbehave) and make whatever remaining concept of individual rights into a showpieceโ€”something we still feel as we sing our patriotic songs, but does not actually exist.

I think we're better off spreading the wordโ€”and acting on the notionโ€”that the emperor has no clothes, and that natural law and the rights of the individual human person are absolutely sovereign and inviolable. And we must resist, at all costs and by all means, the fates described above. We can do two things at onceโ€”we can vote and act within the system, to buy us time. But we must also plan for what we're going to do next.

I do not think it is pie-in-the-sky. I think it's what's coming next. The state as we have known it has run its course. If they don't suffer the inevitable collapse that tyrannies do, they will collapse from sovereign debt. I do not know how long i will take. Cicero did not know, as he was losing his head, that it would take almost 2,000 years. Algernon Sidney did not know that it was right around the corner when he was losing his. Both men envisioned a new way. It is time for us to do the same.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

It is not practical for everyone to take care of everything and to coordinate what enables us to live the lives we have hence why we, the public, have delegated responsibility for this to politicians. That they work for us and theoretically, take their instructions from us, is frequently forgotton.

What has developed over many years is not only our essentially leaving them to get on with it with occasional nods when they over-step the mark or introduce something irrational or that we disagree with, but dangerously, we have also allowed them to grow their level of importance, the levels of bureaucracy, to create a greater need for them to exist than there needs to be, and we have allowed it to happen. This struck home for me when watching Clarksons Farm and Jeremy is sat there with his farm manager / accountant asking what the UK Govt wants him to grow. Why should a Govt tell farmers what to grow? Why aren't there local cooperatives who know the regional demand coordinating on behalf of farmers crops with farmers contributing given their particular skills and knowing what is best given the need to rotate crops? Why is that a Govt issue?

How have we gotten to a point where we have allowed politicians to tell us how to live our lives and to get involved in every minute detail? Yes, acts of parliament by acts of parliament, by looking to right wrongs and increase fairness through legislation and forgetting that 'life isn't fair' or that we have a moral compass and can turn the other cheek. Having responsibilities rather than rights.

We gave away the power and right for politicians to over-step the mark. We have to stop delegating that level of authority

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by John Sullivan

Ioannidis was pushing the vax in interviews...

Levitt signed the letter pushing for continued funding of EcoHealth.


Less "leadership" of any kind and more freedom would be best.

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Here, is a possible, if improbable, solution https://www.hughwillbourn.com/post/36-a-decent-democracy

and as you rightly say this has been a long time coming ... https://www.hughwillbourn.com/post/23-cock-up-conspiracy-or-murmuration

I have a forthcoming book which offers an option for people to see more clearly ..

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The entire pandemic was faked as were all the responses. These clowns will do the exact same thing come the next fake pandemic and have no doubts, it will be a complete fake out like all the other pandemics since the 1950's. The responses will be all the same because the CDC and WHO have no clue as to how to respond to a REAL DEADLY pandemic of some kind. If there was a true pandemic horror, hundreds of millions would be dead before the stupid CDC or WHO could even invent a fake name.

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"Any significant public health threat from Covid was over in the early part of 2021..."

This "health threat"... ie the act of biological warfare inflicted on humanity... would have been over early 2020, if people had not been murdered by hospital protocols and the silencing of everyone opposing the proposed/enacted counter measures.

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Castro was a shit biological father. Look how his pedophile bastard son Justin Trudeau turned out. Castro was a piece of shit.

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Mar 29, 2023ยทedited Mar 29, 2023

When Andrew Bridgen (MP) is ostracized by the British parliament for telling the truth, how can anybody believe that there is going to be a New Deal in the UK?

There was a Plandemic in 2020, not a pandemic!

๏ƒ˜ UK MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019



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Just a thought - in your conclusion, you said that we're going to need a miracle.

A miracle is only something God can do.

Then you quoted Laozi's statement, which implies that the colossal work ahead, (albeit one step at a time) is something WE have to do.

I'm being a bit facetious here, but is this a subtle reference to the fact that the Chinese have the answer? ;)

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